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Twas two nights before Christmas

1995 was the year

The World Wrestling Federation

Zapped all of the holiday cheer

All the fans were disgusted

Clenched were their jaws

Angry to see the debut

Of the evil XANTA KLAUS

A few nights earlier

In Hershey, PA

The Million Dollar Man

Tried to ruin everyone’s day

A vile individual

All naughty, no nice

Always used his money

Because “everybody has a price”

He stood in the ring

As Santa made his way down

Savio Vega had his back

His Christmas duties abound

Santa was giving out gifts

To the good kids in the crowd

T-shirts and other gifts

Tossed to those who were loud

As St. Nick and sidekick Savio

Entered the squared circle

Mr. DiBiase ran his mouth

Wrestling’s version of a tubercle

A lesion of pro wrestling

People’s disdain of him was huge

Savio’s was most glaring

At the WWF’s Ebenezer Scrooge

Santa’s existence was “ridiculous”

A total aberration 

Disputing his truth was the head

Of the Million Dollar Corporation

Savio didn’t back down

Defending the honor of Kris Kringle

He went to deck the halls

And make DiBiase’s head a-jingle

Suddenly, from behind

In a moment no one would suspect

Santa hit Savio with his bag

Then a clothesline with disrespect

It was “silent night” in Hershey

Ted and Xanta in cahoots

Double-teaming Mr. Vega

Giving him unlimited boots

Once the beating commenced

And the war having been fought

The realization set in

“Santa Claus could be bought!”

The duo left the ring

Amid all the dismayed fans

And to top it all off

Santa and DiBiase actually shook hands!

The next night on Raw

DiBiase, with all the dough

Was a very special guest

On the returning Brother Love Show!

Brother Love’s benefactor

Once the heat had been cooled

Began to explain to fans

How he had us ALL FOOLED

The man in all red

That wasn’t really Santa

Instead, it was the evil one


Xanta Klaus had arrived

In the World Wrestling Federation

The Million Dollar Man had a plan

For everyone’s own devastation

You see, he wasn’t from the North Pole

He was from the South Pole instead

Xanta joined Ted’s Corporation

And would leave us all in dread

Xanta Klaus doesn’t give gifts

All he does is take

You better watch your back

For all of goodness sake

So when the 23rd hit

During WWF Superstars

A jolly holiday song hit the PA

But the participant left the fans jarred

Dressed in black Santa gear

Complete with red trim

Entered the demented Xanta Klaus

Mr. DiBiase was with him

The commentators were astonished

Vince McMahon was perturbed

Mr. Perfect was overjoyed

He was anything but uncurbed

Xanta’s victim was Scott Taylor

A pre-Scotty 2 Hotty

As soon as the bell rang

The Ares of Christmas attacked the body

Pummeling with clubs and punches

He was ever the tyrant

Once the elbow was dropped

The crowd went silent

The Million Dollar Man was laughing

As evil as can be

Xanta was wrecking children’s dreams

Ruining their holiday fantasy

In one fell swoop

Xanta opened his rolodex

He threw Taylor reckless

His South Pole Sambo Suplex

Finally, after dominating

It was time for the end

Xanta sat on Taylor’s back

And pulled into a grueling bend

Arms over his knees

The pain was just too much

The Christmission? The Grinch Cinch?

Nope, Xanta hooked on his Christmas Clutch!

The referee signaled for the bell

Xanta Klaus was your winner

Scott Taylor looked like roadkill

To be fed to Rudolph for dinner

Mr. DiBiase was in delight

A new member for his crew

Surely his Corporation would rule

His portfolio surely grew

Sadly or gladly

The WWF had enough

DiBiase had ruined Christmas

It was just too much.

Gorilla Monsoon banished Xanta

After his one and only match

His evil was overwhelming

Back to the South Pole he was dispatched

Mr. DiBiase was never the same

His Corporation fell apart

Due to his greed

Breaking every child’s heart

As for Xanta, no one knows

If he is truly still lurking

My sources say he might be

He’s plotting while evil smirking

If there is one lesson to learn

It’s that evil never prospers

Don’t ever be naughty

Or you will encounter that evil monster

Every time I think of Christmas

I always have to pause

Because if you have done something bad

You’ll be visited by XANTA KLAUS.

Jon Harder


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