The HQ Book Club

Over the past eighteen months, I’ve been working on UNFILTERED, my one-take podcast on YouTube and the Hardway HQ Podcasting Network.
It has been an immensely reinvigorating venture for myself, as I find it great to discuss things in one-take and unleash creative thoughts that I wouldn’t have in other forums. Combined with the HQ Vlogs on YouTube, the Hardway HQ YouTube channel has slowly been growing. (A special shoutout to Mr. Kwame Brown for the live-stream to my video last Summer!)
But as it comes to YouTube content, I need to do more.
Which is why starting in the first week of March, it will be the debut of the HQ BOOK CLUB.
I originally had the idea of doing an HQ Book Club back in the Summer of 2016, when Ron Darling released his book called Game 7, 1986: Failure and Triumph in the Biggest Game of My Life. I loved the book so much that I initially wanted to do a Hardway Podcast and review the great piece.
However, midway through the initial recording, I stopped. My confidence on a different style of podcast wasn’t where I needed it to be.
Once I started doing UNFILTERED and leaving my comfort zone, I knew it was time to try again.
The HQ Book Club will be me reading books on specific topics that intrigue me, from stand-up comedians and radio hosts to athletes and pro wrestlers.
More importantly, I will go out of my comfort zone and read books and topics that I don’t normally venture into. This concept will be a fun, new layer to not just our YouTube channel and brand, but me personally as well.
I’ve noticeably, over the past years, really laid back on reading books. With the HQ Book Club, I am forcing myself to get back into a reading groove. I love reading and learning about new things, so to incorporate some self-growth and rediscovering myself in life, the books are a perfect vision in doing so.
We will be starting in the few week of March, so get ready to read!
Jon Harder