BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #25 - Tough Guy Inc Vs the Golden Era: The Chicken Suit

Back at “For The People” on January 7, 2023, Tough Guy Inc of “Brutal” Bob Evans and Tough Tim Hughes had a fantastic match with Wet Brett Waters and Brian Morris of the Golden Era to open the show.
Thanks to a little old school ingenuity, Bob and Tim picked up a huge win on the braggadocious duo.
Later on in the night, Waters and Morris interjected themselves into Goldy’s battle with Andy Header. Just as they were going to do some serious damage, Evans and Hughes ran out to the ring and proceeded to brawl throughout the Historic Hamburg Field House.
Although the situation seemed very quiet in February during “American Dreams”, it was only a matter of time before both duos would interact again.
On March 11, 2023, they did, but interestingly, it wasn’t in Hamburg, PA:
As a part of the Monster Factory Pro Wrestling event “Because We Can”, Tough Guy Inc and the Golden Era had a rematch against one another. Just as Bob and Tim were about to get their second straight win against the cocky upstarts, the aforementioned Goldy entered the ring while the referee was taking down, and LEVELED “Brutal” Bob with his Golden Touch - a punch loaded up with brass knuckles.
One three-count later, and the Golden Era got their win back. However, it was only the beginning.
To add insult to injury, Waters, Morris, and Goldy brought two chicken suits into the ring. With the utmost disrespect on their mind, the Golden Era put those suits on the wounded Tough Guy Inc.
Here are some exclusive pictures from that night in Paulsboro.

Word got back to AXW representative Kevin Kelly regarding this situation. After some discussions back and forth between AXW management, they have decided that on Saturday night, April 29, 2023, in the Historic Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, PA, the rubber match must be decided.
Tough Guy Inc will face the Golden Era one more time. However, there will be odds at stake. The losing team must put on the chicken suits and wear them in front of the entire fan base in the center of the ring.
The last time a “Loser Must Wear the Chicken Suit” match took place was back in January 1994, when “Flyin’” Brian Pillman defeated Colonel Rob Parker at the Clash of the Champions. The following Saturday night, Parker had to wear the chicken suit and was mocked by a host of talent and fans.
April 29, 2023, the chickens will come home to roost. Tough Guy Inc and the Golden Era square off one more time. WHO WILL WEAR THE CHICKEN SUIT?
Tickets are on sale for HONOR: Autism Acceptance are available at!