Removing Some Audio Clutter
A lot of episodes have gone offline, including all the different Master H 2 podcasts, the original Hardcore BF Podcasts, various one-off pod

100 Podcasts For the Year!
On December 25, 2019, the Hardway HQ Podcasting Network hit 100 podcasts uploaded for the year with the Hardway HQ Holiday Party episode....

What a 2018!
People have told me that it’s amazing that I still go and try to live my dreams. It’s humbling.
You ain’t see nothing yet. Not a damn thing

The Operation New Wave Schedule and A Special Thanks
Finally, Project: Diverge is coming.
After 8 LONG MONTHS, Operation New Wave is being released onto ProjectDiverge.com as a special 5-Day e

The Tale of LSG, WrestleCon 2013, and Nikolai Volkoff Doing the Hardway Podcast
Back against our wall, I saw LSG talking to, what seemed like, a father and son for a couple minutes. Suddenly, the pair came back behind ou