Bankie Bruce writes about the impending flag match prepared for AXW on June 24 in Hamburg, PA.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #31 - NWA World Title in the ECW Arena: FULL CIRCLE
Bankie Bruce writes about the NWA championship's history in the ECW Arena, with footnotes from both ECW and ROH.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #30 - An Open Letter to Joey Styles
Bankie Bruce writes an Open Letter to his favorite wrestling commentator, Joey Styles, to return to professional wrestling.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #29 - Brass Knuckles on a Pole
Bankie Bruce writes about the upcoming battle at AXW between Goldy and Andy Header in a unique stipulation encounter on 6/24/23.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #28 - Bet On Yourself. Always.
Bankie Bruce writes about taking chances throughout 2023.

The AXW/Martin Stone Seminar
This is a review of the seminar ran by Martin Stone before the AXW event on 4/29.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #27 - Martin Stone: Grizzled Veteran
Bankie Bruce writes about Martin Stone (Danny Burch from NXT) facing AXW champion EN Bush at AXW this Saturday in Hamburg, PA.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #26 - Scott Shannon: The End of an Era
Bankie Bruce writes about the legacy of radio disc jockey Scott Shannon.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #25 - Tough Guy Inc Vs the Golden Era: The Chicken Suit
Bankie Bruce writes about Tough Guy Inc vs the Golden Era for AXW on 4/29 in a match where the Loser Wears a Chicken Suit

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #24 - Cody and the Ring of Honor
Bankie Bruce writes about Cody Rhodes and the Ring of Honor from ROH in 2017-2018.