BANK ON HISTORY #5 - Homicide & The FIP Heavyweight Championship: Full Impact Pro "Emergence"
Bankie Bruce writes about Full Impact Pro from 2004, the FIP Heavyweight Championship, and the rise of Homicide & CM Punk's New Dawn.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #6 - Survivor Series Thoughts: 24 Hours Later
Bankie Bruce gives a quick review 24 Hours removed after WWE Survivor Series: War Games.

BANK STATEMENT #5 - An Open Letter: Omos is the Future
Bankie Bruce writes about his fandom of heavyweights in wrestling and why Omos is the future of WWE in an "open letter" to wrestling fans.
The History of the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship
I always felt the ROH Pure championship was an underrated and overlooked idea during the “glory days” of Gabe Sapolsky’s era of Ring of Hono