#BANKONIT: Project: Diverge Hockey Fight Review
Bankie Bruce returns with a review of the Project: Diverge Hockey Fight. #BANKONIT

The Hockey Fight is Near...
Jon Harder writes a blog on the impending Hockey Fight for Project: Diverge this Thursday.

Project Diverge #OperationNewWave returns to PCTV Starting 2.5.21
In a bit of fun news, Piscataway Television (PCTV) has decided to re-broadcast Project: Diverge #OperationNewWave on its airwaves,...

What a 2018!
People have told me that it’s amazing that I still go and try to live my dreams. It’s humbling.
You ain’t see nothing yet. Not a damn thing

The Operation New Wave Schedule and A Special Thanks
Finally, Project: Diverge is coming.
After 8 LONG MONTHS, Operation New Wave is being released onto ProjectDiverge.com as a special 5-Day e

I'm Taking A Break
With that said, on April 22, 2018, the day after Operation New Wave, I knew that it was time for a break. Pro wrestling was all I’ve ever wa

#Diverge. 2018
“Project: Diverge. Coming 2018.” With that one little statement, my life changed forever. I don’t expect a lot of people to know what’s...