PROject Codename: Wrestling "NWA ON TOUR" Results 3/2/25 from Wallington, NJ
Jon Harder with the results last name from PROject Codename: Wrestling yesterday afternoon.

BANK ON HISTORY #3 - Hashimoto vs Corino for the NWA Title in 2001
Bankie Bruce writes about the NWA World's Heavyweight Title match in 2001 between Steve Corino & Shinya Hashimoto & the story behind it.

BANKIE'S HOT TAKE #31 - NWA World Title in the ECW Arena: FULL CIRCLE
Bankie Bruce writes about the NWA championship's history in the ECW Arena, with footnotes from both ECW and ROH.

The Day Denny Brown Ran Into Lazer Tron
It was an early March night
Inside Center Stage
1987 was the year to be exact
March 7 was the day
Denny Brown was preparing to make another

REVIEW: 7 Levels of Hate
Guys and gals, if you love learning about the behind-the-scenes of storytelling, politics in wrestling, and creativity of two well-versed pe
Billy Corgan and the NWA is a Good Fit
How stunning it is that in the midst of a few months, Billy Corgan lands on his feet once again in the world of professional wrestling?

The NWA North American Championship in the WWF
I have always been a fan-boy for unique wrestling championships in mainstream wrestling companies. Which is why in 1998, during the early st